The Maoists are bussing people in from the hills and there will be lots of burning tyres, waving sticks, road blocks and general anarchy. It's all to do with the new constitution, I think. However my Canadian friend who has been helping with the constitution writing process, says the constitution is ready for implementation, the problem is political, not practical. Whatever - I now have to do extra big supermarket shop before the weekend, so that we don't run out (but I have heard, from another friend, that my favourite shop is run by a maoist sympathiser so will probably stay secretly open during the bandh).
My prediction is that it will all amount to a storm in a teacup, we'll have a day or so of hullaballoo (incidentally, the Nepali word for big noise is hullabayo - do you think we nicked this word from them? Hah! This proves I have learnt something from all those scary Nepali lessons!), and I will be left with a store cupboard full of chickpeas, couscous and lapsi jam. Yes, I know, why would I buy chickpeas, couscous and lapsi jam in the first place? Well, you haven't seen the choice in shops out here. There are no Smarties to be had in the whole of the Kathmandu Valley, because D bought the last two packets for her daughter's birthday party yesterday. And there are no tins of anchovies either, because I saw H buying the last six tins to use as a topping for her cauliflower risotto (cauliflower and anchovy it just me, or does that sound about as appetising as the rucola salad with duck gizzards - gesiers, in french, apparently - that I was offered for lunch today?).
Anyway, don't knock lapsi jam, it's really quite tasty (a bit runny though).
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