Saturday, 3 April 2010

Hong Kong

Here we are in HK. Nearly didn't make it as Son developed a mystery virus just as we were due to leave. When our airport car drew up he was lying in a ball on the sofa, moaning and shaking, with a stupidly high temperature. So instead of driving to the airport, we drove to the medical centre, and called out the pediatrician, who, fortunately pronounced him fit to fly. By the time we reached Hong Kong his fever had miraculously abated and he was his usual (sweet, fidgety, pedantic, impatient) self.
We're staying in the Marriot Sky City, which I think is intended for pilots and business people. We do lower the tone somewhat, a family of scampering guttersnipes, quarrelling about who gets to press the button on the lift. However, we have solved the whole breakfast issue by upgrading to use the Executive Suite, which means we get all-you-can-eat breakfast, free drinks and biscuits all day and free canapes at six (yes, of course this means free supper for us tightwads - I'm entirely comfortable with my children having mini-spring rolls and samosas for their tea, thanks).
At the moment Hubby is watching a sad war film on the telly, which I really can't face. I want to keep the whole magical Disney moment alive as long as possible and not spoil it with life's harsh realities. Ooh, yes, we went to Disneyland yesterday, and it was fab, worth every single one of the many, many pennies it cost. Today we went to the Peak, which wasn't fab at all; it was immersed in cloud and blowing a hoolie - felt more like Scotland than Asia.
Tomorrow we might go to the park and then watch a family film at the cinema. Now I know that doesn't seem worth going all the way to HK to do, but we can't do things like that in Kathmandu...I can't tell you how much of a treat it is to be somewhere where it's clean and things work, and the roads aren't full of potholes, and people in shops and hotels are helpful and don't just look at you in a vaguely resentful way for wanting to spend your money in their establishment. I love Nepal, I do - but it is so good to be away from the developing world for a little bit.
Anyway, I think Hubby's sad film is nearly over, so I think I'll go now.
Take care xxxx

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