Yes, Hubby was busy working on his management thing, and Son was out at a party so I was trying to be a good mother in entertaining the twins. Despite my best efforts, Twin 1 still says she loves her dad more than me, the traitorous ingrate. She says he's more fun, and no amount of glitter glue and spangly creativity can change her mind. It seems so unfair - all he ever does with the kids is watch episodes of 1960s Star Trek. Maybe I should resort to 1960s Star Trek, and my children will begin to love me as well?
Only wrote one scene for the NGN today, as the day was largely taken up with trying to find a new housekeeper. Even as I write this, I realise how poncey this sounds, and I won't bore you with many details, except to say that four days notice does seem a little on the short side. However, I think I may have found a replacement. I do hope so, because otherwise we shall soon be wearing four-day old underpants and living in an ant-infested hovel. Hubby brightly suggested that we save the money we spend on domestic staff and do the chores ourselves. Which is easy for him to say, as he won't be the one swabbing down acres of marble flooring until two in the morning.
It's got really cold here over the last few days (well, you know, relatively speaking - in a house with no central heating or insulation), and I am getting plenty of good use out of the cashmere stocks. Twin 2 seems to think that the solution for feeling a bit chilly is to take off all your clothes and wrap yourself in two of Mummy's nice pashminas. Which would be sweet, if she didn't have a hideous cold. Mmm, pashminas, so much softer than tissues, so much nicer to wipe a five-year-old nose on... so I think I may have to start keeping my cashmere under lock and key.
No Coronation Street tonight, as one of the regulars has to get up early to do a school trip tomorrow. I do miss sitting with a couple of teachers, drinking wine, and speculating on whether Dierdre's neck is in fact a better actor than she is. And why Ken, Dev and Gail are still in it? Perhaps it's because their acting repertoire runs the full gamut, from peeved to mildly irritated.
Feel a bit of a wuss going to sleep before ten, but I have watched two episodes of Black Books, so not an utterly wasted evening (decided that Hubby is Bernard, I am Fran and Gary is Manny).
Night then x
How are the princesses?
Domestic help: If I had the choice,I'd rather hire a temp in the interim than do household chores....such drudgery.
How was the research for the book was it at the pub and hotel? Did it reveal anything exciting that could go into your novel?
Finished the last chocolate orange?
Hope you're having a good week.Always look forward to your blogs. :)
Oh, yes choc orange long gone, but kids still have some in the fridge that they seem to have forgotten about, which is a bit of a temptation. The hotel was great, a bit dingy and down-at-heel, which will make it a good location. Irish pub was like Irish pub anywhere in the whole world, and the drinks were prohibitively expensive (still, the Irish are in a bit of debt, so maybe we should let them off overcharging hot toddies) ;)
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