Monday, 7 March 2011

another week, another tummy bug...

Felt very out of place at the wedding reception. Everyone else there was a teacher, or married to a teacher, and all with their other halves. I was alone, just me and my hangover. Still, it was a jolly nice do and the puddings were spectacular!
Yesterday son had a birthday party at the deputy ambassador's house, so the rest of the family slumped around at the Sterling club having endless cups of coffee and reading the paper, and then in the evening we went out for a pizza. Somewhere on this whirlygig weekend of social events and eateries, I've picked up a tummy bug, though. The bonus is that it's well and truly bikini season now (the pool was thirty two degrees yesterday), so I count a spot of botulism as a friendly interloper.
Tried to get back into writing the book this morning. I did manage a couple of scenes before deciding that I really had to get online and book our raffle prize (a weekend elephant safari in a posh lodge) as I was too excited to wait. At least my heroine is a few hundred words closer to realising the truth about her estranged father...I will try to get a move on with the writing this week, as I don't think it's fair to keep her hanging on much longer (even though the truth will crush her spirit and cause her to question everything she holds true!).
Okay, lunchtime now (tomato soup and homemade ham and olive rolls, if you must know).
Take care xx

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