Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Lesley Ash and Professor Calculus

Twin 2 fell over at school today and landed on her face (her reactions aren't very good, so she often ends up with facial injuries as she can't get her hands out on time). Now she could do a passable impression of Lesley Ash...poor little thing.
The problem now is finding food she can eat until her fat lip calms down.
Yoghurt? But where in Kathmandu can you find little pots of fromage frais, hmmm? Luckily I found a packet of a kind of angel delight-type thing in the little blue shop, so it's chocolate pudding for breakfast and cheese triangles for lunch tomorrow. Nice.
Twin 1 is of course super jealous. I told her that if she smashes her own face in, then she can also have chocolate pudding for breakfast (I wouldn't put it past her - she demanded an injection the other day to try to get a lollipop out of me).
Son, meanwhile, has been spending most of the time pretending to be Professor Calculus from the Tintin books - which isn't at all wierd or annoying, honest.
At least I'm not as stressed and irrationally angry as I was yesterday. I have passed the stress baton onto Hubby, who is coming up to the year end and starting to chew his nails and has that look about him as if a small electric current is being passed from his baby toes to his earlobes (if he had hair, it would be standing on end).
Have to say goodnight to Professor Calculus now.

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