Friday, 18 March 2011

eco cookies

Twins are not radioactive, so that's good news. They are, however, both as tired as old dogs after their night on the school football field, so I have made a command decision not to go to the school's eco fair to buy environmentally friendly cookies with them this afternoon (I'm sure the eco fair will survive without our presence - and I did contribute some choc chip biscuits to the PTA stall, so don't need to feel too guilty about the destruction of the rainforests, etc.). However, there was a certain amount of wailing at the thought of missing the wild excitement of buying overpriced eco munchies, so I bribed them with DVDs and chocolate coated strawberries to just blooming well stay home.
Tomorrow is Holi, where everyone dresses in white and splats each other with water and dye (well, I say everyone, not us, thanks - we are going to the swimming pool with water pistols). Some particularly enthusiastic Holi people have been getting in early and we were got with a couple of water balloons during lunch at the japanese cafe today. At least the water wasn't suspiciously yellow and smelly, as has been known during previous Holis...
I've been finding excuses not to write today. Luckily the Twins finishing school at lunchtime was a good one. I did a bit of a read-through this morning, but I'm not happy with chapter seven and I'm downright nervous of chapter eight. At least I've got the whole weekend to procrastinate and will just have to hope that inspiration strikes by monday morning (otherwise I might just have to have an emergency trip to the spa).
Take care x

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