Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Happy Birthday, girls...

It's the Twins' birthday. They are six. Blimey, how did that happen?
At the moment they are sat on the sofa with two of their friends watching Tangled and eating fake Smarties (you can't get the real ones out here). Tonight will be a sleepover - good job they're watching Disney and not Dr Who (far less chance of nightmares).
As it's the hols, we're not doing a proper party until next week when the rest of their class will be back. And we didn't do a proper cake; instead we did birthday jellies, with fairies suspended in the jelly. The jelly was surrounded by marshmallows with candles stuck in them. Yes, it was my idea, and yes, I did think it sounded pretty cool, and no, it really wasn't. Little plastic figures suspended in glutinous red liquid - a bit macabre for a birthday supper. But the six-year-olds didn't seem too bothered, luckily.
Feeling very jealous of the Smarties (even though they're fake) and wish I'd bought myself a compensatory fake Bountie or something, but instead I'll have to make do with mangled bits of leftover birthday jelly....ooh, sorry, had to break off there for an exciting bit of the DVD. Oh, no, she thinks her hero is dead, and she's singing him a song. Oh, I'm sure it will all come good in a minute - Disney wouldn't leave us feeling sad, surely? Ah, now her tears have healed him, hurrah, and it's all going swirly and magical.
Sorry, must start to watch something other than Disney, or I will start to hope for swirly magical bits to happen in my life - if I was in a Disney film, could my tears magic up a Bountie bar, or possibly a nice slab of Green & Black's?
I wish...

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