Monday, 11 April 2011

crazy cold custard

Oh, hello. This time I have a better reason for not writing anything over the weekend. It's because I have been mostly medicating my children (well, two of them). Son has high fever, and lost the use of his legs this morning (they are working again now). Twin 2 has fever plus really hideous asthmatic cough thing. Twin 1, however, is as healthy as a big piece of healthy pie, and has been irritating all of us (well mostly me) by bouncing around and asking lots of questions of the 'but how long is a minute, Mummy?' variety. Luckily I managed to get her to tag along to a tennis workshop thing this morning, so we had one hour's respite from her peskiness. And now the telly is on. I know, but it is the afternoon. I'm going to start a new little rhyme thing to convince myself that this is perfectly acceptable childcare policy: "If it's past midday, DVDs are okay" or "If it's afternoon, TV is a boon" or even "If you've been up all night squirting ventolin into your coughing daughter then let them watch as much as they want to avoid strangling someone"
Right, then, so what's been happening, apart from germs and sleeplessness? Erm...oh, that's right, nothing at all.
Tell you what, I'll try to do something crazy and wild before I write again. Not sure what, though. The only  activity on the horizon is tonight's yoga session, which will be about as wild and crazy as cold custard (but more painful and humiliating).
Ho hum, hope things are good with you xxx

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