Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Well, I've got eight kids on the sofa and Dr Who on the telly. Yes, it's the school hols. Other parents organise tennis camps and swimming lessons, but I do DVD afternoons. And I take no responsibility whatsoever for the six-year-olds having nightmares...
Son and Twin 2 are recovered today, which is jolly good. However, we still packed off Twin 1 to her tennis lesson this morning, so she could go and be sporty with her posh friends, whilst the rest of us had chocolate flapjacks by the side of the pool.
Twin 1 does seem to be distancing herself from the rest of us, since she has taken up tennis. She mixes in different circles now, and has even taken to breakfasting alone, all the better to break the bond with the chaviness of the rest of the family, I suspect. It's only a matter of time before she starts demanding kedjeree instead of choco pops.
I read a thingy on class in a sunday magazine this week (for some reason I ended up with the Sunday Times instead of the Guardian weekly this week - and I devoured the lot, instead of having to force myself to read it; it was like the difference between all-bran and frosties) which talked about how to tell what class of middle class you're in. Apparently we all think we're middle class, but the real distinction is whether you are upper middle, middle middle or lower middle. I think we're lower middle or possibly middle middle. Twin 1, on the other hand, is definitely upper middle. I mean, she's not even six and she's having private tennis lessons. When I was that age I counted myself lucky if I got kicked out of the house with my big sister and sent to play on the witch's hat at the local park (do you remember witch's hats? They banned them in the eighties because of the high fatality rate of kids using them, I think - but nobody gave a stuff about unsupervised kids using unsafe play equipment back in 1975...)
Oops, Doctor Who mutiny! The six year olds are revolting - they have formed a Tom & Jerry splinter group upstairs. And I will have to give up the laptop to it...
Bye! x

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