I’m having the last cider in the fridge and watching the Big
Bang Theory – feels like a Friday night even though it’s Thursday. Oh no, I’m
not, telly’s going all funny. Bummer, no signal. Nooo, does that mean I have to
watch Trevor McDonald visiting US women’s prisons instead? Oh, it doesn’t feel at
all fun and weekendy now at all.
You see, tomorrow is Son’s school INSET day, so he’s off, and the Twins have a dress-up day, too,
so even though they are going to school, it feels like a Friday night and even
though I should probably be doing some yoga/lesson planning or something I
really, really want to watch some funny telly and drink cider. Is that so very
(Channel surfing and just seen the ad for the new ‘Werther’s
original’ sweets – with a creamy filling, eww! Someone seriously needs to
rebrand there…)
Righty-ho, I should probably give up on my planned evening
of TV slobbing and do something useful instead. Might do a bit of scene
planning for my romance sub-plot…oh, I’ll just finish off the cider first
though ;)