Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Hello my lovely! What have you been up to today? Mine started with Twin 1 having a huff - can't remember why but l am fairly sure it was something to do with my being mean and evil and not nice like other peoples' mums. Anyway l lacked the energy for a confrontation, instead choosing to tell her l loved her and blow kisses all the way to school. Hah! l win, and l didn't even shout. yay me. My halo slipped a bit after school though when she started Huff number two (a bit like mambo number five, but not as tuneful, and with lyrics about evil mothers instead of Latino girls - oh alright, not at all like Mambo number five), which largely dealt with my heinous crime in allowing her to buy a Turkish Delight bar from Tesco after school, which turned out to be yukky. Maybe l should have warned her? l suppose it's common knowledge that Turkish Delight is, well, a bit of a poor relation in the confectionary aisle. To my mind, Turkish Delight is to a nice bar of Galaxy what Jordan is to Scarlett Johanson, or something. But l beleive that my children should learn their own life lessons, and l did not share my cocoa-based confectionery wisdom with her. Perhaps l should have. She was bitterly disappointed, as you can imagine.
Apart from huffs 1 & 2 it has been a good day. l have been mostly beefing up the romance. No, not in my marriage, in the novel - the most romantic thing that happens in our marriage is if one of us suggests going to bed before the 10 o'clock news, and that will hardly fill a chapter, will it?
Sorry, l'm rambling. Better get some sleep in readiness for tomorrow's huff xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Amy! I just got done checking out your site and just wanted to say that I enjoyed your blog! Being that you are an army wife, I had a quick question and was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance. Thanks! – emilywalsh688 [at] gmail [dot] com.
