Thursday, 12 September 2013

Right, this is the third time l have started this post and this time l am determined not to be interrupted by phone/kids. Hello! How the devil are you today? l had a Meeting with my boss and a dental appointment earlier on. There was a link: the dentist said l am getting fractured molars due to grinding my teeth, probably due to stress. Afterwards l met my boss and told her l need to cut down the amount of classes l teach. l know it sounds a bit wussy, especially as l have a cleaner now, but hopefully it will stall my decline into a stressy toothless harridan.
At the moment l have half the street in the house, playing some complicated Vers ion of "Narnia", involving purple eyeshadow and quite a bit of screaming.
Which reminds me...
A man opened up his wardrobe one morning and discovered an enormous lion inside. "What are you doing in my wardrobe?" he said. To which the lion replied: "Narnia business!"
geddit? x

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