Sunday, 7 September 2008

Curry night went very well, I think. Twins were happy: Twin 2 got to twirl around in a very wobbly way in front of about twenty soldiers and explain that she was Cinderella many, many times, and Twin 2 got to sit in a cardboard box and be booted around the floor by her Dad. Son got to watch Tarzan DVDs until bedtime (with no bath) so he was happy, too. Not sure what the poor lads felt about being entertained by a pair of three-year-olds. I was sure they'd have a couple of drinks to be polite and then skedaddle into town, but they were still around at eleven, quaffing beer and having random drunken discussions about whether or  not people keep their accents when they sing. 
Hubby went off early the following morning with a large flask of tea to do a four-by-four rally in the hills with some other army bods. The kids and I just chilled listening to music and eating cake off paper plates and pop in paper cups (well, why pay staff and then have to wash up at the weekend?!  - actually they were left over from the previous night). Then their lovely Twin friends came over with their Mum and whisked us off (well, not exactly 'whisked', drove very slowly in the rain, as only one windscreen wiper was working) to the British Embassy, where you can get nice chips and there is a climbing frame - these things are important, you know.
Hubby's typhoid/cold thing seems to be getting worse. He managed to get up for us to go to a very posh hotel to use their very posh pool and eat very posh pizza, but spent the whole time curled up on a sun lounger. It didn't bother the kids much as they were busy ingratiating themselves with the other three guests. They like to have new victims and explained variously that they were Cinderella/building a bug nature reserve/like pink but not white respectively. The guests were charmed, or at least pretended to be. 
Hubby went to bed as soon as we got home. I would like to say it's 'man flu' but think he might actually have a cold and typhoid and possibly bilharzia, sinusitis and some other things too...

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