Sunday, 14 September 2008

Well, sadly no gossip from the Embassy disco. I did dance quite a lot in a flingy about 80s way a lot, and this morning, as I had absolutely no hangover, realise sadly that I do actually dance like that when I'm not drunk. Still, managed to get Hubby onto the dance floor. He is generally such a music snob, but he danced to Dancing Queen and the YMCA. I was very proud. It was a bit odd though, because there were lots of DfID worthies and teachers all going mental to 'Relax' by Frankie goes to Hollywood, and somehow that just didn't sit comfortably with me. These are the very same people who teach my kids PHSE. Anyway, even though I really honestly don't have a hangover today, I do feel like total crap, so suspect I may be getting the cold/typhoid thing. I mustn't mention it to Hubby though. He will put down my air of frowning listlessness to just being a peri-menapausal old witch, which is better than being accused of copying his symptoms I suppose. 
Have my first life drawing session out here booked for tomorrow morning. It will be an experience because the art teacher speaks no English (only Nepali and Russian) and is deaf in any case. I took our driver up as a translator when I booked the lessons, but I'm not entirely sure what they discussed, as they chuntered on together for about half an hour until Bishu Ram eventually said 'Okay, so when do you want to start?'. But when I replied Monday, the art teacher didn't seem particularly happy about the prospect. So, we'll see what transpires...

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