Friday, 12 September 2008

I've got a friday night feeling. Twins are off watching cartoons with the housekeeper's son at the moment, but we have all just finished having a very exciting disco. I've made a playlist with all their favourite tunes (remember 'Barbie Girl', 'Tarzan Boy' or 'Nellie the elephant'?), included in which are two songs about jumping (one by Van Halen and one by the Pointer Sisters) both of which had them leaping off the sofas (or in Twin 2s case falling flat on her face - luckily there were cushions on the floor). So I think they are pretty worn out - looking forward to a nice early night. It was also a bit of a disco rehearsal for me, as we've put our names down to go to a 70s, 80s & 90s night at the British Embassy tomorrow, and I'm  ridiculously excited about the prospect of donning my silver stilletoes and giving it large (or even giving it a cheeky medium rare). The MC is DJ Moondance - even the name sends shivers of excitement through me at the anticipation of some Abba or Blondie or even Oasis (what a sad old knacker I am) and I will just about go mental if he plays Nellie the Elephant! Ah, and the other exciting thing is that all the water treatment soldiers will be there on the hunt for posh totty, and lots of single teachers will be there ripe for a bit of rough seduction. So there should be some lush gossip too, can't wait!

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