Thursday, 22 April 2010

I am the secret baker

I'm waiting for the cakes to cook. They are blue with multi-coloured sprinkles - meant to look like the sea. And I've just been online to look for an American frosting recipe. Such is my life, now that I am no longer a best-selling novelist (not that I ever was, except in a secret part of my brain that I should never have mentioned to anyone, ever).
I'm in the throes of making birthday cakes for a pirates and mermaids party. I'm not sure how appealing blue cakes will be, but in my experience no child actually ever eats any of the cake at a birthday party anyway. I'm having to cook in secret because Meena is getting a bit demoralised about my rejection of her cake-making skills - she discovered that I'd bought a birthday cake for the Twins' actual birthday (which was on Tuesday), and looked distinctly teary about not having been asked to make it herself. I feel bad, I do, but not bad enough to trust her with making one. I'm leaving it mostly to Mrs Betty Crocker and Mr Pilsbury, in fact. Sorry Meena!
Hubby has been very supportive about the whole failed novelist thing. He has even helped me think about new plot for next book. I think he's just grateful that I have finally stopped snivelling.
I have decided that I don't really want to write a romance, as such. Which is a bit of a bummer as it means I can't send the next manuscript to the Romantic Novelists Association for appraisal. The thing is, I just don't think I 'do' romance that well. I'm more interested in family dynamics and dark secrets. But will that sell? Hmmm. Would still like to do a creative writing MA, but they don't offer any of those at the University of Kathmandu, oddly enough.
Well, now I'm off to do a bit of light googling research to help find my potential heroine's job.
Take care x


allijulivert said...

Shouldn't that be: as you are not YET a bestselling novelist. I am sure that dark secrets and murky pasts can sell just as well as romance, if not better.

Though perhaps you could consider a porfolio career and also take up baking. The cakes sound fab and wacky :)

Amy Waif said...

The cakes look like snot, but the heroine is shaping up well! Have a fab weekend xxx