Thursday, 17 April 2014

Hello. I'm writing again now I'm slightly less mad. The full moon is on the wane, hey ho! Let me tell you a secret: I am a genuine lunatic. I know, it sounds all a tad eighteenth century, but the fact is, I do end up a teensy bit insane when the moon is full. I don't really want to delve into the spooky New Age witchy theory as to why this is the case (if there is a spooky New Age witchy theory - probably, hmmm...might google it after this), but now I have a lunar phases app on my smart phone and a half-full bottle of St John's Wort tablets, so at least I can dose myself up in readiness these days and not succumb totally to the bedlam.
So, I've been hearing/reading the odd thing recently about how important failure is. That it's a good thing to face the 'dark night of the soul' alone, and pull yourself up by your bootstraps, etc. That we should all learn to 'fail better' as I think Beckett said (probably need to google that as well)? I quite like this philosophy (who wouldn't like the reassurance that being a loser is a good thing?) BUT this morning when, after hours of trying, Son & I still couldn't get Minecraft to download and what's more, I couldn't get the lawnmower to start, I have to say that I no longer gave a stuff about the opportunity to develop and learn through the experience of failure. I just wanted the blooming things to work. Furthermore, I didn't want my personal 'dark night of the soul' journey to be through the wastelands of mechanical and geeky frustration.
However, I suppose I did learn a few things through today's experience:
1. Geeky forums sometimes give valid advice
2. The phone number for the grounds maintenance chaps
3. Tesco sells sugar-free chocolate

Hope your day was less frustrating than mine xxx

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