Monday, 28 April 2014

Small excitement for a Monday: had a 75-word flash fiction accepted for paragraph planet website. It's very gratifying, because it's my first attempt. I sent off my novel for feedback last week, and decided that I wasn't ready to start another novel just yet, but wanted to keep my writer's muscles active by just doing some short writing exercises. I tried writing a flash fiction within a tweet, but that didn't really work (too short). However, I did find paragraph planet. The idea is that you have to piece of flash fiction that's exactly 75 words long. It's a great constraint, because it's long enough to have the suggestion of something happening - good for practising opening paragraphs. I'm now totally addicted. I'm supposed to be cleaning the bathroom now, but instead I've been writing about a codicil to a will and a family secret...oh, I suppose I really should scrub the toilet now (but at least I can think about overgrown gardens and orphaned children and family feuds whilst I'm doing it).
My story will be on the paragraph planet website on 29/4/14 ...or here forever (see next post)!

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