Monday, 14 April 2014

Alright my lovely, how are things in your neck of the woods? Here, we're part way through the scary old kitchen refurb. I've managed to miss most of it by being in Devon and London respectively, but we couldn't stay away forever, so here we are, eating pizza in front of the telly on paper plates (I'm quite enjoying this refurb lark - at least there's no washing up, and further more, as the workmen are still about, there's no point in cleaning the house, because they'll only cause more dust tomorrow, so hardly any housework for me, yay). It's all good, although feeling a little skint due to all the fast food we've been forced to live off recently - and a bit porky, too (not helped by comparisons with my newly-slinky sister, who had the flu this winter and dropped about 10kg - and she's just retrained as a fitness instructor, so she's irritatingly toned as well). So, after catching up on the laundry, the next stop on the avoid-the-kitchen-refurb-tour will be Dorset, so long as the mystery machine doesn't pack up on us. I'm taking it to the nice garage men tomorrow for diagnostics to find out exactly what the flashing light that comes on when we do over three-thousand-revs actually means. Hope it's not too dire, or son's new laptop and the girls' tablets will have to be returned...
Oh, I didn't get the creative writer job. Hey ho. But you know, it would have been a little stressful starting a new job this week, in the middle of the hols and the kitchen refurb, so maybe it's not such a bad thing.
Right, I'm going to drink my tea and watch Scooby Doo, now. Take care x

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