Tuesday 25 March 2014

Hiya, the laptop has been requisitioned by a gang of 11 year olds. For homework, they claim. So, I'm doing this on the phone - apologies for any wierd spellings if my handwriting is misinterpreted. So, how are things with you?
The main news on the barracks at the moment concerns the kitchen refurbishments. Yep, the whole darn camp is getting a spanking new kitchen. Cause for hearty hurrahs and hanging out the bunting, no? Well, apparently not. You'd think the Mongolian Hordes were on the rampage. The word kitchen can only be used in a sentence that also includes the word nightmare, it seems. Even the Avon Lady's done a bunk for the duration (to avoid being pillaged or worse by Genghis and his cohort of chippies and plasterers). If the MoD has any sense, then now would be a good time to announce further redundancies or an imminent mobilisation to Crimea or Syria.  Nobody will take a blind bit of notice, because nothing - nothing, I tell you - could be worse than having a new kitchen fitted. For free. At the taxpayers' expense.

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