Thursday 7 February 2008

We are all very excited because Twin 1 has learned how to wee both on the potty and on the super-dooper family toilet seat that I spent an eternity bidding on ebay for. The deal is that every time she does a wee in the correct place, all the children get a chocolate. They will get two chocolates for a number two, although this is yet to happen. However, I am quietly confident that it will: I think that chocolate, peer pressure, and big girls' pants with sparkly fairies on are a pretty big incentive to a two-year-old girl. Twin 2 is jealous, but I can't face double potty training and furthermore she is not to be trusted, as she finds nothing more hilarious than scuttling about in the nude and wee-ing in innapropriate places.
Tragically, the whole potty thing has been both the focus and the highlight of my week so far. I have barely made it out of the house, let alone to the exotic delights that lie 'beyond the wire'.
When our posting finally ends here, and they drag me blinking and quivering back into the real world, I will have completely lost the ability to lock my front door, parallel park, or have a conversation that doesn't revolve around poo, infant cold remedies or disturbed sleep patterns.

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