Sunday 3 July 2011

handsome tramp

Here we are in Dubai, hurrah! Hubby is not grumpy, hurrah (mainly because we had a Burger King for supper)! Nobody was sick on the plane, hurrah! The plane was an hour ahead of schedule, hurrah!
We are all very happy to be here and be away from the stress (in Hubby's case) and raw emotion of the end-of-term-saying-goodbye-to-everyone (in my case).  Spent a not inconsiderable time last week saying goodbye to people over lunch/supper. I think I ate at home maybe once last week. Well, it's all over now, the weepy old end of year has come and gone and everyone has hot-footed it back to the UK/US to visit parents and in-laws. However, we have another month to go.
Hubby has just said that I ought to mention the scare with the cashpoint - I think he's still hoping I won't revert to the Sophie/Jocasta topic.
There was a bit of a nail-biting moment at Kathmandu airport, when the FlyDubai check-in staff asked to see the card I paid for the tickets with. I didn't have it because I accidentally cut it up last week (I thought it had expired, but it hadn't - doh!). Thought for a second that they wouldn't let us on the plane, but the nice check-in clerk obviously decided that on the fraudulent/idiotic scale, I obviously tipped the balance towards the idiotic end. She smiled patronisingly at me, as one would at an utter moron with the common sense of a gnat, and waved us all through. Then when we got to Dubai airport neither mine nor Hubby's cards would work in the cashpoint - yikes. Anyway, it's all okay now (hurrah).
Right, I'm off to do a little search to try to find a Gap store in Dubai so Hubby doesn't have to look like a (handsome) tramp this hols xxx

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