Thursday 15 November 2012

I'm only procrastinating a bit, honest. I've already spent an hour and a half asking my main character about how she really feels. This is because I can't get on with the rest of the book until I know here a bit  better. She's been fairly forthcoming. It turns out that she's blanked out a lot of what happened to her (on page one, you'll have to read it one day!), so she's left with survivor's guilt, but not much else until much later in her life. So I think I need to spend a bit more time with her as an old lady, to get to the heart of it. I'm planning on taking her out for coffee all morning tomorrow as I have a day off from the voluntary work, so if you see me sitting in the cafe next to Lidl, apparently talking to myself like a crazy, please be reassured that I'm just channelling an eighty-something year old version of my main character (I know, any excuse to get out of the house for a latte and check out what's on offer in the Lidl bargain baskets). Cheerio xx
ps. after many visits from many workmen of various types - sometimes quite late at night - I seem to have recovered from my house-maintenance Munchausen syndrome. Also, it looks like we're not going to have to suddenly get posted to London, yay.

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