Thursday 7 February 2013

Hi, how are things? I'm waiting for Bertha to finish the kitchen floor so I can mop it. I'm out of crabsticks and balsamic vinegar, so my tummy is rumbling and I'm wondering if there's anything else in the fridge worth raiding (I know the answer: no - unless I want to eat sushi nori, mango chutney or out of date yoghurt).
This morning I had chest pains. I looked on the NHS direct website, which told me that I should dial 999 and call an ambulance, so I whipped into the GP's and asked them what they thought (I didn't feel ill, just as if someone was poking me in the chest). A very nice doctor popped out of her room and told me it was probably just muscle strain and not to worry. Phew. I'd rather not have a heart attack right now, thanks (and in future I might not be quite so manic on the rowing machine).
Apart from the unnecessarily dramatic start to the morning, today has been pretty good.
Twin 2 got a headteacher's sticker for being able to stand on one leg, well done her. Twin 1 got ten out of ten in her spellings. Son got over-excited about his maths homework and did double what he was meant to. The dog is still alive, and it turns out I'm not on the brink of a cardiac arrest, so it's all good. Take care xxx
ps - I'm off to make myself a nice sushi nori and mango chutney sandwich now...

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