Friday 1 March 2013

I'm pretending the washing and the washing up don't exist. Or the upstairs bathroom (no, I still haven't done the downstairs one, either, and you can't make me!) because I'd rather talk to you. I ought to be being sociable tonight and going to book club, but I was expecting to have my 'day 5 dip' and be on the verge of tears for most of today, so I decided to make my excuses. However, as it happens, I'm perky as you fancy, so I could have gone after all, without fear of emotional outpourings. Ho hum, too late to get a babysitter now, and anyway, I'm already in my PJs, so I shall just have to drink wine and talk about books to myself until midnight (no change there, then).
News of the day: twins are learning a One Direction song in choir. I thought we might have avoided the whole One Direction palaver, but now it's being foisted on us by school. Thanks for that, Mrs W. Twin 2 has now decided she is their biggest fan and made me find their videos on youtube for her. Once I'd clicked 'play' she made me leave the room - she wanted to be alone with those boys with the silly haircuts.
And so it begins...

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