Tuesday 28 January 2014

We christened the mystery machine at the weekend. No, not in that way - far too cold to venture out of my arctic sleeping bag for middle aged rumpy pumpy, thanks (I'm sure the temperature drops at least five degrees once you get north of Derby). We were visiting long suffering friends. They were lovely. We don't have many friends though, so there's always a temptation to stay a bit too long. Other people always have nicer food and cleaner houses, too, don't they?
Nice to get away for the night as well, even if it was to the frozen north.
This week Hubby is overseas with work, so he'll only be home for one night. No mystery machine outing planned this weekend.
He says he can't make it back on Friday because the military flight only goes on Saturday. l asked why he couldn't fly home on a civvie flight and be back f.. the whole weekend, but he said he could no longer fly on civvie flights from that location. Why, l wondered, thinking potential international crisies and emergent conflict zones? Because there are too many fat people on civilian flights, he said.
Hmmm. Well there's a sound operational justification if ever l heard one.

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