Thursday 13 December 2012

I graduated today. (I'm contemplating re-ordering the cheque book so that I can have MA after my name). So this time round I wasn't hung over, and I didn't vomit en route to the awards ceremony - what a difference twenty years makes. I've decided that I like this academic thing so much that I want to do a PhD as well - there's just the small matter of finishing my book and then getting it published first...
Unfortunately we couldn't take advantage of the posh buffet after the ceremony because I had to do a flit to get the kids to the carol service (or, rather, 'Christingle Rock Concert' - blimey o' riley!). The Twins did some super singing along to 'Away in a Manger' as well as other less-well known festive tunes called things like: Calypso Jesus, Christingle Rock, etc. At least, I'm assuming they did super singing. I was sat quite near the back and all I could really see was the bit of holly poking off Twin 1's hairband. And because I missed the graduation buffet, I was also having my supper of Maltesers and Ribena, so I probably wasn't quite as engaged with the Christingle message and the story of Baby Jesus as I really should have been. So now I'm back home again, and I certainly feel more intellectual, as I think about mopping the kitchen floor (or not), and whether or not a celebratory whisky & ginger is in order (it is). Right, better go and do some erudite laundry and some esoteric washing up (or not - maybe I will just cut straight to the booze...). Yours intelligently xxx

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