Wednesday 23 January 2013

Today, after supper (just for added context, we had been doing a science quiz whilst finishing our chocolate biscuits, which had led onto a bit of biology, for example: what do your kidneys do?) Son suddenly piped up. "I've got a fact!" he said. In the spirit of encouraging learning outside of the classroom I asked him what his fact was. To which he replied: "Most boys my age haven't ever seen a vagina, but I have seen the girls' vaginas because they run round the house naked with their tights on their heads."
I think in future I shall eschew biology quizzes at the supper table, and go back to letting them have hot dogs in front of the telly...
(ps. in case this makes our house sound like some kind of unsavoury naturist outpost, I should perhaps remind you that Son is 10 and Twins are seven - running around naked is just what they do.)
pps. no child on ebay - I got the job.
ppps. doesn't pay enough to justify hiring Oona the cleaner, though - shame!

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