Saturday 6 July 2013

pineapple upside down cake with Julian Clary

I'm nearly better. Exciting, no? Well, it is for me, anyway (although I suspect that the large bottle of cider I've just quaffed may have something to do with my sudden feelings of wellbeing). I spent most of  the day in bed, again, although I wasn't utterly unproductive, because I wrote all about one character having the final showdown with her mother and also getting killed - nooo, just when she's finally about to get everything she's ever dreamt of, oh the irony). I had a break for chicken soup and lunch with 'Gino & Mel', who were making pineapple upside down cake with Julian Clary, which was the highlight of my sickbed day (I'm contemplating putting Gino & Mel into my fantasy street. Obviously Kirsty & Phil will live on the street, as well as Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall, and probably Katherine Tate, too, so I might find room for Gino & Mel, but they will have to be further down the far end somewhere). Anyway, I felt well enough to walk to school to pick the kids up, take them all to the sailing club this evening and even mop the kitchen golly, I feel like a veritable Boudicca! I have fought the wierd summer virus thing and triumphed! My white blood cells are strong, they are fiesty, and they are full of french cider, fact, I'm feeling so good that I may even have another bottle (oh, stop it, it's Friday night). Chin chin xxx

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