Tuesday 3 September 2013

I'm back...ish

Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm still here, sort of. Well, I've been away for a bit. If Devon and Dorset count as 'away' ('away with the fairies' maybe, especially Totnes-twinned-with-Narnia). I'm just wondering whether to carry on with this blog or embrace the future and start tweeting instead? What do you think? I just always seem to forget to blog, and then it's ages with nothing and all I can remember about the intervening weeks is that I've done a lot of washing and ironing and that the only reason my children look happy in photos is because they are laughing in my face at the utterly ridiculous concept of tidying their respective rooms. Right. It's 11.30 now, so I must go to bed and have happy dreams. In the meantime, let me know if you'd rather this blog changed to a tweet xxx

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