Thursday 21 November 2013

Hello, how are things? I'm in bed, trying to ignore my grumbling stomach. Yes, it is a fast day, and although I'm feeling pretty good on four breakfast biscuits and a sugar free Werther's original, l do have food on my mind. The thing is, after the weekend l just had, l really do need this fast day, not least because of the detox necessary for continued liver function...l went to see my friend H, who is these days a respectable solicitor. However, this has not always been the case. We have been friends since we were both less than respectable law students, a very long time ago. Some things don't change though. Except we have swapped Lambrusco for prosecco. And the hangovers are a tad harder to handle.
Still, the good news is that in my weekend absence, my lovely husband persuaded my lovely kids to start doing the washing up on school nights. Wah hey! Which is why l suddenly find time to write to you. l know! It's a Wednesday as well! Smiley face

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