Friday 12 October 2012

Hubby is home soon, back from doing important army things, and possibly with chocolate (I'm hoping Toblerone as he flew through Heathrow) - worth staying up for, I think. I've had a reasonably productive day because I've finished another chapter of the book - I'm up to almost fifty thousand words now. I mentioned this to the man who came round to check the asbestos and ended up receiving a not inconsiderable amount of manuscript advice from him. He had some jolly good ideas about one of my characters, but I did eventually have to hint that possibly he should finish his asbestos inspection before I had to do the school run, and he unwillingly got up from the kitchen table and got his ladder and asbestos-spying equipment out. I also tried to force my half-completed manuscript onto the wives book club. I said they could be my focus group - I hope they agree (I offered to pay them in wine...). Maybe I can run the asbestos man's suggestions past them as potential plotlines and see what they think. Incidentally, I'm in good company scouting round for story ideas - apparently Chekhov used to pay two kopeks for an anecdote, and more for a short story idea. So that's alright then.
Where is my husband? Maybe I'll go to bed and hope for chocolate for breakfast...xx

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