Thursday 27 August 2009


Right, I've got ten minutes before I have to do the school run. I'm hoping that Twin 2 will fall asleep before I go. I have just had to be a cross mummy and put her back to bed. Trying to sit cross-legged to write this in a vain effort to improve flexibility: went to second yoga session this week - teacher is appalled at my utter inflexibility. This is the third time I have tried yoga, and the teachers are always consistently appalled at how rubbish I am, the only difference is that this one is not quite so good at covering up his feelings as the others! Still I suppose it's good for the other people in the class to have someone to gauge their level against. It must be heartening to know that however pants you are, there will always be someone in the class who is worse (ie, me). So I guess my attendance is a bit of a public service/morale booster type thing. Although not for me. It is all a bit more religious out here, and we have to say 'Om' quite a lot and chant things too. The yoga teacher says that yoga will bring God into our lives. I'm not sure I want God in my life - I would just like to be able to touch my toes. Is that too much to ask (yes, actually)? Ooh, I can hear Anil starting the car so I should go, although there is so much much more interesting yoga stuff to tell you. Shame, will write soon - but not tonight as it's Corrie night x

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