Saturday 22 September 2012

Hi, I know, I ought to be in bed, but it is a weekend night, not a school night, you know. And that's why it's also okay to have two large glasses of white and two bags of crisps, too. I'm now contemplating a small whisky as a nightcap, but worried that I won't be up in time for karate in the morning (no, I'm not doing karate, Son is). Twins are off at a very exciting sleepover tonight, and didn't even give so much as a backward glance as they raced into Big H and Little G's house round the corner. I spent the night with Son, Dog and rats, watching Apollo 13, with lush Kevin Bacon looking buff and moody, even as he was passing the dark side of the moon with just 20 amps of power on the lunar module...sigh...he's almost exactly like Hubby. (Wonder if Kevin Bacon also gets huffy when people don't close the curtains properly or when he treads on a rogue bit of abandoned Lego?) I should really go to bed now, shouldn't I? Right then. Oh maybe just a very very small whisky, just for the taste....

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