Monday 8 March 2010

Lovely friends V&H have now gone, which we are all sad about. Mr B has also gone, which I am less sad about. Now I'm not spending my evenings writing an imaginary diary about a smelly bear (actually not smelly any more as I put him in the washing machine), so might write to you a bit more.
BGN ball on Friday. Better than last year, I thought (although that might be simply because I drank more and stayed up later than last year). Wonderbra did not arrive in time, so had to wear horrible flesh coloured 'body' thingy and lots of tit tape instead. Didn't really do the trick, actually - had to dance with arms across chest.
Hubby found his ideal woman: a blonde banker from Finland who is also a yachtswoman in her spare time, and terribly good looking. Unfortunately for him I was sat between them.
We were fairly useless parents on Saturday. Forced the kids to watch Moulin Rouge with us in the morning. They would much rather have been watching Monsters vs Aliens but we were hungover and selfish.
Decided to start diet again today (lapsed massively last week, what with going out to eat with V&H and the ball etc).
Had hideous headache all day yesterday, and secret fears that I might have a brain tumour. Turns out it's just blocked sinuses.
Have just booked our Easter holiday to Hong Kong, hurrah. This is great, but does mean that I have spent all morning looking at hotel websites instead of writing my book - useless!

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