Thursday 24 March 2011

flying river

Son's talk on the imaginary circus of torture didn't go down too well - it was too short, apparently. He did another one today about 'thinking' and specifically about a future earth project that will use directed gravity fields to take rivers to deserts, where they're really needed, rather than just going straight to the sea. I think all the environmental messages from school assemblies have morphed together with Dr Who in his brain and fused in an attempt to try to use science fiction to make the world a better place. If only imaginary flying rivers was all it took...

Poor old Twin 1 has D&V at the moment, and, because I've been encouraging her to drink flat Coke in order to rehydrate, her vomit is nice and black. She's been sick twice already (plus three times the other end), so I think I'm in for quite an exciting night.

Better sign off before the next projectile episode. xx

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