Tuesday 24 April 2012

...hello, I'm back from the exciting trip to the tip, and in order not to tackle the next thing on the list (yes, the oven) I'm back with you. What else can I tell you about? Oh yes, it was the twins' birthday at the weekend. I booked a soft play place and I had visions of me sitting sipping a nice caramel latte whilst the party just sort of happened around me. But it all ended up being slightly manic. Oh well, the girls were very happy with it, although nobody was remotely interested in the cake, so I've given it to a neighbour for her kids - at the moment mine only seem to want to eat olives and oranges (strange children - they certainly don't get their eating habits from me).
I have to admit to feeling slightly dislocated and frazzled recently. I put it down to not having to fill up every spare second with coursework or kids and having odd amounts of spare time, during which I feel I ought to be doing something, but in fact don't have the va-va-voom for it. It all came to a head after a weekend during which, as well as the manic party, there were just enormous amounts of homework for the kids to do (I blame imminent sats) and then on Sunday night Twin 2 was up half the night with a nightmare, so then, by Monday I was so fed up and tired that I decided to just blooming well go back to bed. So I did. I ignored the breakfast dishes/washing and went straight up and hopped under the duvet and didn't wake up until gone eleven. I know it sounds dreadfully slovenly, but I think I'm a bit at the end of my tether with this whole single parenthood thing now - and I did feel so much better afterwards (in fact, I'm positively chirpy today).
Just realised that I have a whole hour to spare as they are all at choir today...would it be very wrong to go out for the quiet caramel latte that I didn't get to have at the weekend? xxx

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