Monday 26 April 2010

blue monday

Just given the last of the nice blue birthday cake to the night guard, who managed to look convincingly pleased (cake is probably now in Gary's tummy and he will be doing blue poos for the remainder of the week).
Have been asked out for lunch tomorrow with some other playground mums; very pleased but will have to break into staff wages kitty to afford it, and then will have to cash another cheque for staff wages this week, bummer. So much for saving money for summer hols. Feel like I can't possibly say no, though, as I was such an antisocial hormonal misery guts for the whole of last week. I didn't even make it to the Queen's birthday party at the embassy (I hear she was gutted at my absence). So I need to make up for it by being a bit less of a morose recluse (hmm, that could be the name of a character: Morose Recluse, the french antique shop owner and secret psychopath - what do you think?) this week.
Blimey, it's nine o'clock and I bet Hubby is asleep already.
Should probably go.
Take care xx

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