Wednesday 1 June 2011

sad, mad and tedious to know

Sorry, been a bit lax, mainly because I've been sad, mad and tedious to know over the long weekend. Luckily a bit saner and less leaky now. Damn those pesky hormones!
Went out for coffee with a lovely friend yesterday, who I hardly ever see because she's a teacher and not a mum (different world). Anyway, she says she swears by Bach rescue remedy for those sad, mad and tedious to know times. She did, however, admit that the touchy-feely-flower- mix is infused in brandy, so I suspect that that might be the real source of its calming properties - have visions of her in the staff room quaffing the stuff in gulpfuls straight from the bottle and telling everyone "It's medicinal". Think I might be tempted to do the same, first thing in the morning.
This morning, however, it's wierdly unstressful: all the kids were ready by seven o'clock - bags packed, sun tan lotion on, teeth brushed, the lot. And right now the Twins are doing some quiet colouring and Son is reading, and there's still ten minutes until we have to leave for the school bus.
I think I must have somehow slipped into a parallel universe....

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