Tuesday 3 August 2010

back home

Really sorry it's been so long. I have spent the last two weeks in a camper van. At the start of our trip we called it the camper van. By the end of the trip it became known more commonly as the bloody camper van. What a relief that the last couple of nights were spent in a comfy bed in Bolton. Hubby said being in a camper van was just like being in a yacht, which does confirm my somewhat negative preconceptions about a life on the ocean wave (you know Hubby's plan to make us all live on a board a boat one day). Kids loved it though. Can't think why - it was cramped, smelly and annoying, and I'm really quite pleased to be back in our nice big house in Kathmandu with nice staff to cook and clean for us. I do have lots to tell you, but actually, having started this, I now realise I'm rather desperate for the loo (and it's not a chemical one - bliss!), so I will have to go. Promise to write more soon xxx

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