Sunday 8 May 2011


Isn't it nice sometimes to have a weekend where you do nothing?
This weekend I have taken the kids swimming and been into town to order a nice leather weekend bag* for my birthday and have our family Sunday lunch at KFC (more of a treat than it sounds - KFC is the only fast food outlet in Nepal). Oh, and I went to the book launch thing this afternoon (I got two signed copies of the book. I know the author because he was in our creative writing group and I even critiqued one of the stories in the anthology - exciting feeling so close to fame!). But that's it. And it was really quite nice to do almost nothing.
I have promised myself I will do lots and lots of writing this week. However, I have also promised myself Friday off, as it's my birthday. I know that in order to be a better writer I should really spend every spare second writing. But I also quite fancy a full body massage, and I really need a pedicure. What to do? In these situations a Christian would probably solve the dilemma by thinking 'What would Jesus do?'. As an aspiring writer of women's fiction, I like to think 'What would Joanna Trollope do?' 
Joanna Trollope would surely opt for the birthday spa treatment, no?

* in anticipation of when my book gets published and I have to do overnighters at literary festivals and the like (I can dream, can't I?).

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